Fast Food Dinner

Friday afternoon, nothing ready for dinner. Nothing even planned. So I decided to pick up some fast food on the way home. This is our version of fast food: sushi rice bowls.

Kate kept saying, “I want shee-shee! I want shee-shee!”

The Japanese grocery store is on the way back to the house, so it’s easy to swing by. And they sell everything in these neat little packages — absolutely no cooking required. Just five minutes to assemble it.

Here’s what I bought:

White sushi rice – You can buy it pre-cooked. Sure it’s not ideal, since it’s white rice and not brown. But it’s better than a Happy Meal.

Natto – Fermented soybeans. The number one source for vitamin K2. Luckily, we think it tastes great! I mix it with raw egg yolk and soy sauce. For more about natto, and the importance of vitamin K2, see my recipe for BBQ Natto and Shrimp. Oh and PS: this brand of natto (Shirakiku) is organic. It has the Japanese organic seal. JUst toss the little flavor packet that comes with it — full of MSG.

Soy sauce – I bought a brand that said “naturally fermented” on the label.

Tuna sashimi – Raw tuna. This is wild, not farmed. Not everything at this grocery store is wild. Most of the fish is farmed. I’m grateful that they label it.

Cooked shrimp – Also wild. Shrimp is also very high in vitamin D.

Salmon roe – This is probably farmed. It doesn’t say on the label. But Kate loves it, and so do I, so I got it anyway. I normally keep wild salmon roe (from Vital Choice) in my freezer, but we’re out. Salmon roe is also rich in vitamin K2, as well as A & D.

Sake – Rice wine. For Mommy.

Sorry for the crappy quality of the photos. I haven’t blogged in so long, my camera battery died!

PS: I haven’t been posting much because my web host woes are not over. I will be moving to a new host. Thank you all for your patience!