Front Yard Vegetable Garden Tour: Summer 2016

I wanted to make a short video giving you guys a tour of my front yard vegetable garden this year. I’m growing basil, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, pumpkin, marigolds, artichokes, and herbs including oregano, French tarragon, stevia and sweet mint.

Watch the Video: Front Yard Vegetable Garden Tour, Summer 2016

Note: This is one of the videos that got taken down when YouTube removed my channel – I will be updating this eventually. Thanks for your patience.

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Artichoke – new plants coming up

What to Plant in Your Front Yard Vegetable Garden Tour

It really depends on what you and your family like. When you first start gardening and growing food, it’s hard to know what are the best crops to plant. It’s taken me a while to figure this out. In the beginning, you want to grow everything and then you realize a lot of things aren’t the best choices for your family.

For example, my daughter and my husband don’t like squash. They will eat zucchini but that’s about it.  So I don’t grow other kinds of squash. My husband does love eggplant. I did not plant enough eggplant this year — only one plant. Next year I will plant more.

I also wish I had planted green beans, and I wish I had planted more tomatoes. I got a lot of tomatoes but I only planted them in February so I got a big harvest and now I’m waiting on another one. Yes, here in California we can plant tomatoes.

I also want to plant some lettuce because I’m always buying bagged lettuce at the store and it’s silly! I should just be planting lettuce in my garden and go out and get it whenever we need it instead of filling up the fridge with it.

Basil at the height of production – this was a few weeks ago.

What I Learned This Year From My Front Yard Vegetable Garden

What I love about gardening is that every year you learn new things. I’ve been growing food for over a decade now and every year I’m learning more.

I learned that I need to plan my garden so that the weeks that I harvest I’m prepared. I know that sounds anal but it is the worst thing in the world when the basil and the tomatoes are at the height of their beauty and production and you are out of town on vacation. This happened about a month ago and that was during a time when I was traveling. So what you see in the video is my basil weeks later — and it’s already pooped out.

I also learned that I can’t plant watermelons on the south side of my garden south side because there’s just not enough sun in that spot. Two years ago when I planted watermelons I got at least 10 or 15 watermelons that year. They were huge! This year the watermelons never took off but it’s because they weren’t getting enough sun.

That’s another thing I’ve learned… it’s trial and error with gardening. Don’t expect to be an expert on gardening. You just have to try things and see if they work and if they don’t, then don’t hesitate to rip a plant out from where it is and put it somewhere else, or just rip a plant out if it’s not working for you. You can always plant something else.

Tomato harvest – plus a zucchini

What I Love About Vegetable Gardening

What I love about gardening is your garden will speak to you your garden tells you when it’s ready. Your garden tells you when it’s done and when to rip things out and when to plant new things. It tells you when it needs new compost. All you have to do is listen and it will tell you everything it needs.

As always, gardening leaves me with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and abundance. It is so amazing to me that you can put seeds or plant starters in the ground and make so much food out of nothing. With just a little dirt and water and sunshine, you can feed your family all year.

Peppers (clockwise, from top): shishito, banana, jalapeno, and bell peppers.

Do You Have a Vegetable Garden? Share Below

Share in the comments if you are growing vegetables in your garden. What are you growing this year?

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