Is Chl0rine Di0xide Necessary for the Parasite Protcol? (Video)

This post is part of a series answering questions from readers. Got a question? Shoot me an email at annmarie @ annmariemichaels dot com and I will answer your question in a video – and I won't use your name.

In this video, I answer the question, "Is chl0rine di0xide necessary in the parasite protocol?"

Here's the full question:

"Hi. I’ve been listening to your videos on parasites and thoroughly enjoy the information. After multiple health problems I have realized it all comes down to a chronic parasitic infection. I’ve been working with a functional gastroenterologist and even he is clueless about parasites. It is incredibly frustrating. Anyhow, my question is regarding biofilm disruptors. I have chlorine dioxide and have been using it frequently in enemas. As far as drinking eight doses a day it seems very difficult. Aside from the taste, my bigger concern are all of the foods that interfere with the chl0rine di0xide effectiveness. I am currently using Biocidin for biofilm as well as coated silver (Cymbiotika). Do you think that is sufficient? Or is chl0rine di0xide necessary? Thank you for all you do and the information you put out."

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