This Baby Loves Butter

We were shopping at Trader Joe’s the other day; it was almost dinnertime and I think Kate was getting hungry. She grabbed a stick of Kerry Gold butter out of the cart and started eating it. It kept her happy, so I let her have as much as she wanted.

The other shoppers gave me funny looks; some of them laughed. I suppose it is odd to let a toddler eat straight butter.

But she likes it! Whenever we go out to eat, we always ask for extra butter for Kate. She loves to eat it plain.

I have some friends who also let their 3-year-old daughter eat plain butter. She asks for it, and they told me that when they let her have her butter, she behaves so much better; doesn’t melt down or have tantrums.

I have noticed the same thing with Kate. When I make sure she gets enough butter and cream and other good fats, she is happy as a clam. If we are running around and she’s only eating things like fruit and lean turkey meat, she gets really cranky and impatient.

The other day, she wasn’t feeling well (she has a slight cold) and didn’t really eat much at breakfast or lunch. By dinnertime, she was completely melting down. She still refused to eat the dinner I made (grass-fed beef taco meat with avocado).

So I just fed her some homemade ice cream (made with raw cream, pastured egg yolks, and maple syrup). It worked like magic. In minutes, she went from The Exorcist to Shirley Temple.