V@ccines: An Argument Against Herd Immunity

Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D. on the concept of “herd immunity”:

"Another myth is that v@ccines provide long-term, even lifetime, protection. Linked with this is the grand deception of “herd immunity.

"Herd immunity is based on the idea that if 80% of a population is successfully immunized against a disease, then the rest of the population is protected against an epidemic.  Likewise, immunization rates below this level endanger us all.

"We are now living in the age of mass retirement of the baby boomers, my generation.  As children, we were immunized against smallpox, diphtheria, pertussis, and a few others of the potentially epidemic diseases.  

"Therefore, the v@ccine proponents imply that we have been free of epidemics of these diseases because of “herd immunity,” that is, that 80% of the population (most of who are in my generation) remains immune.

"A number of new studies have shown that in fact immunity from these v@ccines lasts only 3 to 10 years at best (some studies indicate shorter periods of 3 to 4 years).  

"That means that while most of us thought we were immunized, in fact, the vast majority of this nation has no immune protection remaining from the v@ccines.  

"It also means that far below 80% of the nation is presently protected from infections by these agents.  This means that for the past 40 years or more we have been, according to the health authorities, living without the protection of “herd immunity.”

"Silently, these v@ccine promoters have conducted studies, which have shown that even today our children’s v@ccines are lasting no more than 4 years.  In fact, they are suggesting that all children receive booster v@ccines every 4 years.  

"This means that for the past several decades even the children have been without protection from these v@ccines – i.e., v@ccine policy has, and continues to be, predicated on a grand lie."

Source: The Danger of Overv@ccination with the Present V@ccine Policy  by Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D.