Top 5 Reasons Not to V@ccinate Your Children

Should you v@ccinate your children? Or not? Making the decision whether or not to v@ccinate your child is difficult, especially for those who are on the fence. It’s not a choice that should be made lightly. It’s important to cut through the heat of the controversy and discover what the real issues are and make an informed decision.

I only decided not to v@ccinate my daughter after researching the subject on my own and concluding that the benefits of v@ccination do not outweigh the risks. And the risks can be extremely serious.

Here are five succinct reasons not to v@ccinate your children. This is not an exhaustive list. If you are on the fence, you can use it as a starting point to dig deeper. If you already made the decision not to v@ccinate, you can pass this along to friends and family who may have questions.

1. V@ccines can cause injuries to children.

This is the central issue for me and for most parents who choose not to v@ccinate and it’s pretty simple. V@ccines are not safe and children get hurt. V@ccine advocates repeatedly claim that v@ccines are safe, despite the fact that you can find numerous stories about children who suffered from v@ccine injuries both anecdotal and in the scientific literature. (I detailed a few specific stories here.)

V@ccines have adverse effects. Dr. Joseph Mercola writes about how the U.S. government admits this:

As I have long stated, and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) now admits:

“V@ccines are not free from side effects, or “adverse effects””

This admission came after a review of more than 1,000 v@ccine studies, which was intended to assess the scientific evidence in the medical literature about  specific adverse events associated with eight v@ccines for measles, mumps, rubella (MMR); varicella (chickenpox); influenza; hepatitis A; hepatitis B; HPV; diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (DtaP); and meningococcal. The adverse events selected for IOM review were ones for which people had submitted v@ccine injury claims to the federal V@ccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). A convincing causal relationship was found for 14 adverse events and certain v@ccines.


For most v@ccines, the same drug companies and medical professionals and government agencies who claim that v@ccines are safe also admit that they do not know what the side effects are. A v@ccine may be thought to be safe if it does not cause any obvious injury to a specific child, or even a majority of children. That’s like saying playing Russian Roulette is safe when you pull the trigger and nothing happens because there wasn’t a bullet in the chamber. Five players escape and one player suffers a fatality. It only takes one bullet to make it a dangerous game.

The National V@ccine Injury Compensation program has paid the parents of victims multiple millions of dollars in damages since 1986 for deaths caused by v@ccines. How many children have to die or suffer from permanent, life-debilitating injury before we stop calling it safe?

2. V@ccines do not accomplish what they claim.

The above graphic speaks for itself.

Most people think that v@ccines stopped the prevalence of major diseases, such as polio. The history of the effectiveness of v@ccines, such as the one for polio, is compelling. Incidences of polio dropped radically before the v@ccine was introduced in the years ranging from 1953 to 1957. The v@ccine, introduced in 1957, was not licensed until 1962. [source]

Graphs for whooping cough show a surprisingly similar trend, as well as for other major diseases. The notion that v@ccines cured pertussis (whooping cough) or polio doesn’t follow from the facts. These major diseases were declining before v@ccines were introduced.

Recently, we have started to see outbreaks of these diseases (whooping cough, measles, polio, etc.) and they are most commonly occurring (a) among v@ccinated children (b) in agricultural areas and (c) during the summer when pesticides are sprayed.

According to Jim West:

In June, 2010, pertussis spiked in California. June-Aug is the season for pertussis epidemics, which is also the season for pesticide spray programs, quarantines, and peak outdoor air pollution. [source]

3. V@ccines contain numerous toxic poisons.

V@ccines contain toxins such as formaldehyde, which is used for embalming and has been shown to possibly cause cancer; MSG, phenol, antifreeze, agents that cause damage to internal organs such as kidneys and liver (glycerin), and more.

Lead, cadmium, acetone, and mercury can still be found in many v@ccines. Potentially more dangerous than mercury, thimersol can also be found in several v@ccines. It is an ingredient that can cause autoimmune disease as well as neurological damage.

These poisons are not detoxified through digestion. They are injected directly into the bloodstream.

4. V@ccinated children are more prone to disease.

Several studies have shown a trend that seems to indicate that rather than building up immunity overall, v@ccinated children tend to be at more risk for some diseases than children who have built up their immunity naturally without injecting diseases and poison into their blood.

Richard Moskowitz, M.D., writes, “Thirty-five years of medical practice have convinced me that all v@ccines carry an important risk of chronic disease that is inherent in the v@ccination process and indeed central to how they work.”

The following chart shows the preliminary results of a survey, which indicates that further research and studies should be conducted in order to find out if the obvious hypothesis is true: v@ccines distort immune functions and lead to children who are unhealthier overall and more prone to disease than those who have not been v@ccinated.

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Another study has shown that v@ccinated children are five times as prone to disease as unv@ccinated children.

4. Kids can naturally build up their immune systems.

The immune system can be built-up naturally, and many of the diseases that kids get v@ccinated for help to do the job. A reliance upon initial v@ccinations and repeated booster shots doesn’t seem to create a stronger immune system, even if the individual is protected against specific strains of disease.

Unhealthy foods, pollution and pesticides and play time that is dedicated to sedentary behavior all contribute to poor health and effect the immune system’s ability to function well. But the research so far suggests that immunity built through natural means is far healthier than what is offered by v@ccines.

5. The benefits of v@ccination do not outweigh the risks.

My final conclusion is that the risks of v@ccination do not provide enough benefit to expose children to that kind of danger. Many others feel the same way. There are many resources to investigate for those who want to learn more about the dangers of v@ccines before making your own decision, or understanding the choices that others have made.

What’s Your Take?

Did you v@ccinate your children? Or are you someone who chose not to do so? What influenced your decision? What has your experience been as a result of your decision? I’d like to hear from you and others. Comment below and be sure to share this with a friend.