Changes to the Cheeseslave Blog

Hi, guys, I just wanted to post a quick update to let you know I have decided to put some of my content behind a pay wall.
The content will be on my blog for 24-48 hours, and then after that, you will have to be a Patreon subscriber to view it.
Please sign up for my email updates so you can get notified via email whenever I post new content. This way you can see the posts even if you are not supporting me on Patreon.
I made a video explaining why which you can watch below if you prefer, or keep reading and I’ll tell you more beneath the video…

Watch the Video: Changes to the Cheeseslave Blog
Why I’m Doing This
I would love to make all of my content free for everyone as I have done for almost 15 years now, but unfortunately Big Tech has made it impossible for me to speak freely. I have been censored on almost every major social media platform. I have also lost 90% of my income for telling the truth.
I have been blogging real food, alternative health, and about the dangers of vaccines and Big Pharma since 2007. As a result, the cabal has punished me severely financially via the IRS, FTC, hacks, etc.
I lost my blog network in 2014 which I now believe was an orchestrated attack. Last summer, I lost 90% of my income from my blog due to the Google algorithm change that impacted almost all health bloggers including Dr. Mercola. I’m now working to build my blog up again, posting about the covert war (WW3) going on now.
Going forward I will only be posting here on my blog and YouTube channel about health and nutrition, travel, book reviews, product reviews.
Anything I post about politics (the stuff the Deep State doesn’t want me to post) will be behind the Patreon pay wall. It’s the kind of stuff the triple-maskers call “crazy conspiracy theories”.
I call wearing three masks crazy, but hey, whatever.

I posted a video on YouTube this afternoon about not wearing a mask to my local grocery store and already it was flagged and YouTube threatened me with a strike.
Crazy, eh?

It wasn’t even PUBLIC! It was an UNLISTED video on YouTube.
For this reason I will be posting all my “sensitive” videos on Bitchute,, and Rumble. I’ll add those links to my flowcode page (where you can find all the ways to follow me) shortly — I am still setting up the accounts.
I wish it didn’t have to be this way. But we are living in 1984 right now and the powers that be are making it impossible for me to express myself in an authentic way.
If you want to access my content, please consider supporting me on Patreon.
Please sign up for my email updates so you can get notified via email whenever I post new content. This way you can see the posts even if you are not supporting me on Patreon.
If you can’t afford $5 per month or more, your other option is to follow me on platforms like Telegram, Gab or AnonUp. You won’t get the full posts but you will still be able to follow me for free. Click here for all the ways to follow me.
Oh, and one more thing, I will be getting back to working on my online marketing course (which I had to stop teaching last year due to COVID) hopefully in April. Stay tuned for that!
I appreciate all the support. Thank you!
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