Elon Musk is Not Jewish
In this blog post, I will prove to you that Elon Musk is not Jewish.

So yesterday, a tweet went viral – 1.5 million views in 24 hours – saying Elon Musk is Jewish. Which is false.
I debunked it, with facts. There is no way Elon can be Jewish because his ancestors lived in Switzerland when Jews were not even allowed in Switzerland. The only possibility is that they were crypto Jews, but I see no real evidence of that either.
Instead of countering my claims with evidence, the guy who tweeted, an account called DecentraliseP blocked me like a coward. And people are still sharing this utterly false and asinine tweet.
In this blog post, I will prove to you that Elon Musk is not Jewish.
This is the second post in my series, All in the Family.
Elon Musk is Not Jewish
When I first saw the tweet, I laughed because the picture of Elon was so obviously photoshopped.

Here is the original photo that this anonymous account, DecentraliseP (who also has a Substack,) used to make his photoshopped version of Elon Musk.

Before I get into the debunking, I'll start by saying I'm so sick of these anonymous accounts that are posting lies and false information.
Hey, I understand that people have to use anonymous social media accounts because they don't want to jeopardize their jobs, family, friends, etc. But I'm also really sick of people like this guy who push misinformation and have zero accountability.
Apparently this guy, DecentraliseP, is living somewhere in Asia. He should stay the F out of our American politics since he doesn't even live here.
In fact, when I debunked his claim that Elon Musk is Jewish, with facts and evidence, he blocked me like a coward.
Instead of debating me, like an adult, using logic, he blocked me, which made it so I couldn't comment.

He then allowed everyone in the comments to attack me, and he joined in, lobbing ad hominem fallacies at me from behind the block, calling me a "QTard."

[Rolls eyes.]
Like I haven't heard that 50 million times in the past 4 years.
Anyway, like I said, his stupid, illogical tweet, with no evidence to back up his claim, got 1.5 million views in 24 hours and he couldn't defend his argument when directly challenged.
The Forward Says Elon Is Not Jewish
If The Forward Jewish News could claim Elon Musk, the richest man in the world is Jewish, I'm sure they would, but even they admitted that Elon is not Jewish.
Here's the article from Nov 6, 2024.

Debunked. Elon is not Jewish.
Okay, let's get into the genealogy, shall we?
[Cracks knuckles.]
Please note: I only traced Elon's mother's side. I have not looked into his father, Errol Flynn. If anyone was Jewish, it might be him, because I know Elon said he went to Hebrew preschool. He also said he was estranged from his father, who he has called "terrible."

But who even knows if he is really Elon's father. I have some theories, which I have posted on social media before. It's just interesting that Elon looks nothing like him. But anyhow, let's leave him aside for now.
Elon Musk Ancestry on His Mother's Side
Using Ancestry.com, I traced Elon's family back on his mother, Maye Musk's side to the 16th century, to the town of Signau, Canton Bern, Switzerland.

Here's the link if you want to take a look.
Jewish Expulsions in Switzerland During the Middle Ages
Jews were expelled from Switzerland in 1491 and could no longer live there. They were expelled in all of Switzerland except 2 villages in the Aaragau canton after 1622.
According to multiple sources, Elon's family can be traced with church records. Prior to the 20th century, birth and marriage records were always kept by churches.
See if you can find a synagogue in that area of Switzerland at that time. I found nothing.
DecentraliseP Claims Jewish Expulsion from Switzerland
On the DecentraliseP Substack, his whole argument is that Elon Musk's mother's family came from Switzerland, and that they "left abruptly" in the 18th century and resettled in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
His claim is that the Haldemans/Haldimanns fled Bern, Switzerland in 1787 due to a Jewish explusion.

DecentraliseP claims:
"The Musk family bloodline remained in Switzerland until the 18th Century when they left abruptly & resettled in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Why did they leave?
Throughout the 18th century Jews were persecuted & eventually expelled from Bern in 1787."
There Were Never A Lot of Jews in Bern, Switzerland To Begin With
According to the Jewish Virtual Library, there were very few Jews in Bern Switzerland throughout the Middle Ages.

After they were accused of engaging in "blood libel" (their euphemism for accusations of human/child sacrifice,) and poisoning the wells during the Middle Ages, they were repeatedly burned at the stake and expelled.

The Jewish Virtual Library reports:
"Although between 1408 and 1427 Jews were again residing in the city, the only Jews to appear in Bern subsequently were transients, chiefly physicians and cattle dealers."

They go on to say that there was no Jewish community in Bern until 1848, well after Elon Musk's ancestors left.
And in 2000, there were only 800 Jews in Bern, Switzerland.
1787 Jewish Expulsion?
So what about this 1787 expulsion?

I couldn't find any evidence of a 1787 expulsion from Bern... other than Wikipedia and a Google AI overview. If you can find anything, please let me know. Wikipedia and AI have been wrong before.
Again, back to the Jewish Virtual Library... I can't find any evidence of Jewish expulsions in 1787 from Neuchâtel, or Bern for that matter.
The Haldemans Left Switzerland for America Between 1722 & 1731
Even if there was a 1787 Jewish expulsion from Bern, Elon's ancestors, the Hademans would not have left then. We have records that they left prior to that date.
So right there, that debunks DecentraliseP's argument that the Haldemans fled in 1787.
Jacob Christian Haldeman/Haldiman, born in 1722 in Neuchâtel, Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, left for America sometimes between his birth, 1722 and the birth of his child in 1745 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

More likely, Jacob Christian Haldeman would have migrated to Pennsylvania between 1722 and 1731.
I say this because we have proof that his father, Peter Haldeman, died in Lancaster County, PA in 1731.

Anabaptist Christian Expulsions from Bern, Switzerland in the 1700s
Elon's ancestors on his mother's side, the Swiss Haldeman/Haldiman family were more likely Anabaptist Christians, later known as Mennonites.
There is a ton of evidence that the Mennonites were being expelled from Bern, Switzerland in the early 1700s:

And the name Haldeman/Haldiman is actually an Anabaptist name:
The name can be found in the documents of the Anabaptist 1538; a Thuringia Hölimann, a Baptist from Eggiwil, was sentenced to death.[4th] (Source)

Conclusion: Elon Musk's Ancestors Were Most Likely Anabaptist Christian/Mennonites
So, yes, Elon Musk's ancestors fled Switzerland and moved to Lancaster, Pennsylvania in the early 1700s. It appears that they were most likely Anabaptist Christian/Mennonites, who were, as I said, being expelled from that region at the time.
There is a ton of evidence on the Global Anabaptist/Mennonite website that this family, the Hodeman/Haldeman/Holdiman/Etc. fled Switzerland/Germany because they were being deported.

Most likely because they were Anabaptist Christians who were being persecuted at the time, by both Catholics and Protestants, because they held different beliefs.

There is also evidence that the Haldemans started the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite Church, also called the Holdeman Mennonite, in Ohio, United States. Founder, John Holdeman, 1832-2900.

But What If The Haldemans Were "Crypto Jews"?
Some people on Twitter last night were trying to make the argument that Elon's family were Crypto Jews.
If you read my recent blog post on Christopher Columbus, you now know what a "Crypto Jew" is. I had no idea this was even a thing until I started going down these Jewish history rabbit holes this past summer.

By the way, that blog post I wrote about Christopher Columbus was just completely validated by the Jewish Gen website.
They concurred – Christopher Columbus, NOT Jewish.

What Are Crypto Jews?
Crypto Jews, also known as Marrano Jews, were Jews who converted to Christianity but were hidden Jews, still practicing their Jewish faith.
Crypto just means hidden, secret or covered.

Is There Evidence That the Haldemans Were Crypto Jews?
When I asked the people making the claim that the Haldemans were Crypto Jews, with evidence, I got a response in the form of this tweet:

Here is how I responded in a tweet:

So basically, you can't just say someone is a Crypto Jew and call it done. That's not logical. You have to actually provide proof.

Is There Evidence That Haldeman is a Crypto Jews Surname?
For example, is there any evidence that Haldeman is a Crypto Jew surname?
I couldn't find any evidence. There are whole books on this topic, as well as websites.
For example, JewishGen has a whole database of Crypto Jew names. Haldeman, or any of its derivations, is not listed.
Were There Pogroms or Expulsions in Switzerland During the Early 1700s
Already covered this. There were almost no Jews living in Switzerland after multiple expulsions in the early Middle Ages.
But there was an active campaign of deportations of Anabaptist Christians in Bern Switzerland during that exact time when the Haldemans fled to America.
Did the Haldemans Have Jewish Features?
Another way to tell if someone is a Crypto Jew is their family has Jewish facial features.
I tweeted about this last night as well. There is no evidence whatsoever in that the Haldeman family has Jewish physiognomy:

Here's Maye Musk when she was younger, working as a model:

Gorgeous woman, and she doesn't have Jewish features.

Maye's father, Dr. Joshua Haldeman, Elon's grandfather, also does not look Jewish at all.

Here are some more photos of him:

No Jewish features detected:

Finally, here is a recent photo of the Musk family, Elon with his mother, Maye and brother Kimbal (in the hat) and sister, Tosca. Very attractive, handsome people.

Again, they really don't have any Jewish features.
I have actually met Kimbal Musk in real life – this was about 10 years ago in LA. His eyes crinkled up when he smiled and he laughed a real laugh. He seemed humble and down-to-earth.
I don't see or feel this kind of authenticity in celebrities I have met who are psychopaths. For example, Jeff Bezos. Met him at the Emmys one year. Very creepy guy.
Joshua Haldeman was an Antisemite & Supported Apartheid
But wait, there's more. A lot more.
Elon's grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, was an antisemite.
According to this 2023 article by Joshua Benton in the Atlantic, Haldeman was not only an anti-semite but he was pro-Apartheid.

You have to sign up for a trial to read the article, so I'll post some screenshots below with relevant highlights...
They may be out of order, just so you know.

So if Haldeman was a Jew or a Crypto Jew, he hated himself and he was calling out all of his elite conspirators.
Yeah, not likely.
Joshua Haldeman was a Chiropractor
Not only that, but he was also a chiropractor. Source: The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association.

If you know anything about Chiropractic medicine, they have been unfairly persecuted by the Medical Industrial Complex for decades.

Joshua Haldeman's mother, Almeda Haldeman, Elon's great-grandmother, was also a chiropractor and the first chiropractor known to practice in Canada.

Final Conclusion: Elon Musk is Not Jewish
I don't need to beat a dead horse here. I think the case is closed. If anyone wants to try to prove me wrong, please comment below or contact me on Twitter. My username is cheeseslave3.
And not to put too fine of a point on it, but I have been telling you that Elon Musk is a white hat/patriot since June, 2020.
Here's my original blog post about Elon Musk from June, 2020: Why We Need Space Force.

And no, Earth is not flat and space is real. But that's a whole 'nother blog post.
Until next time...

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