New Video: Some Encouraging Things

I uploaded a new video. This video contains a few very encouraging bits of information about JFK Jr., a cameo with Jim Caviezel, Steve Bannon’s slip up about what’s happening this August 15th, and the new social media platform coming this Independence Day.
I’m sorry to just realize that Michele Anne Titler does not believe JFK Jr. is still alive — I just saw that she said that after I made this video. Maybe she’s meant to see this! Or not. Doesn’t matter. Whether or not he is alive doesn’t matter.
Bottom line for me: Catholics NEVER scatter ashes. Both of my Catholic grandmothers had open casket funerals. Catholics never ever ever scatter ashes. So that part of JFK Jr’s story just doesn’t make sense.
We can’t all know everything. But that’s why I watch and read EVERYTHING. Because that’s how I put the puzzle pieces together. Like in The Truman Show — that’s how he wakes up to the mockingbird media matrix. He keeps looking at everything until he sees the glitches.
I hope this video brightens your day. God bless you.
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