No on SB 277 – Protest Mandatory Vaccines in California
SB 277 is a new bill in California that will require all children to be v@ccinated in order to attend school.

SB 277 is a new bill in California that will require all children to be v@ccinated in order to attend school.
SB 277 has already passed in the Senate Health Committee and next week it goes to the Education Committee.
Whatever your beliefs are on vaccines, a mandatory v@ccine or any forced medical procedure is a human rights violation.
No on SB 277: Protest Mandatory Vaccines in California
Join me in protesting SB 277, the California Mandatory Vaccine Bill next week:
No on SB 277 Rally, Los Angeles, April 14:
Education Committee Hearing, Sacramento, April 15:
Also, if you can’t make either of these events, please help by donating. This is a GoFundMe campaign raising funds for a charter bus that will go from Orange County to Sacramento for the Education Committee Hearing:
Please comment below if you are going — I’d love to meet up with you!
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