Support Raw Milk in Los Angeles Oct 5th & 6th
This Thursday is the preliminary hearing for James Stewart, Victoria Bloch and Sharon Palmer, the three people arrested in this summer’s FDA raid on Rawesome Foods. Please come out and show your support for our fearless food freedom fighters!

This Thursday is the preliminary hearing for James Stewart, Victoria Bloch and Sharon Palmer, the three people arrested in this summer’s FDA raid on Rawesome Foods. Please come out and show your support for our fearless food freedom fighters!

Some events have been organized around the hearing — a lecture on Wednesday night and a rally on Thursday morning in front of the courthouse.
If you can’t attend, please consider donating to the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Time: 6-9:30 pm
Place: The Multipurpose Room, Veteran’s Memorial Complex
4117 Overland Ave., Culver City CA 90230
Mark McAfee
Owner, Organic Pastures Dairy
Fresno, California
The skinny on raw milk
David Gumpert
Author, The Raw Milk Revolution
The politics of raw dairy
Max Kane
Raw milk activist
Updates from the front
What’s all the fuss about (raw) milk? And why is the FDA saying you don’t have the right to choose what you eat?
The nationwide demand for raw dairy products has been steadily increasing, despite the fact that strict regulations can make it difficult to find. At the same time, more small dairy farms and private buying clubs around the country (including California) are being raided and harassed, sometimes at gunpoint. Why? How has something as basic as milk become the focal point of political passions?
Rarely seen in one city at the same time, the evening’s speakers are on the leading edge of the raw milk wave. Gain a greater understanding of the issues, the politics, and the ways that raw dairy is influencing a national discussion on food rights.
Don’t miss this very special event!
Suggested donation $15
Proceeds will be divided between the local chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation and the Rawesome Community Defense Fund. Event sponsored by Wise Traditions, a local chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and The Raw Milk Institute.

Thursday, October, 6 2011
Time: 8 am
Place: Los Angeles Superior Courthouse, 210 West Temple Street, Los Angeles CA 90012
Rally in support of food rights, food freedom, and the Rawesome Three!
Let’s share the media spotlight with Conrad Murray and Occupy Los Angeles — this rally is organized by Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures. Bring signs for the cameras!
This is a unique opportunity to get the food rights issue in front of the media! October 6 is the date of the preliminary hearing for “the Rawesome Three,” so please join us in standing up for the right to choose the foods you eat!
After the rally, we will head up to the courtroom to show support for Victoria, Sharon and James at their preliminary hearing.

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