New Online Cooking Class: Reversing Food Allergies

Reversing Food Allergies

Are you gluten-intolerant or sensitive to dairy?  Do you have digestive issues, or arthritis, fibromyalgia, or other immune-related disorders?  Do you have children with eczema, ADD or ADHD, or on the autism spectrum?

I am opening enrollment today for my brand new online cooking class Reversing Food Allergies.

I’m really excited about teaching this class because I know so many people out there are suffering from food allergies.

Instead of taking the long, slow road like I did, you can get a jump start with me as your guide.  Sure, it will still take time to heal, but you won’t have to spend all those hours learning how to cook, and you’ll have the support of me and your other classmates to support you along the way.

I know it is possible to get better because I did it myself!

And I am so grateful every day that I did. I can only imagine where I would be today if I hadn’t taken the road toward healing.

Watch the Video

My Recovery from Food Allergies

When I was 25, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.  The pain in my knees was so bad, it would wake me up at night.  Even worse, it was spreading to my fingers and my elbows.

I also had chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity, respiratory allergies and chronic sinus infections, as well as thrush on my tongue and sores in my nose that wouldn’t heal.

In short, I was a mess! I was only 25 but I felt like I was 95.  The doctors told me that I would end up in a wheelchair, and that I should just put the knee surgery off as long as I could.

That wasn’t good enough for me! I had to find a way out.  After much research, I discovered that I abnormal gut flora (typically caused by antibiotics) can cause auto-immune disorders like arthritis and allergies.

I did a 30-day elimination diet to find out what I was allergic to, and amazingly, I felt 95% better in that first few weeks.  I knew I was on to something.

It took me about 2 years to completely heal, but when I did, I completely had my health back. Zero pain, no medication, no sneezing or fatigue.  I was a new woman!

And best of all — I could eat gluten and sugar again with no symptoms.  Hello, sourdough bread, pizza and chocolate croissants!

Get Started Today

You may already be on the GAPS diet, or SCD (Specific Carbohydrates Diet) — or you may be thinking about starting.

It can be so overwhelming to get started. Trust me, I know.  The diet seems so restrictive — and it’s hard just thinking about everything you have to do to get up to speed.  Plus, how will you feed your family, and where are you going to find the time to cook everything from scratch?

This 12-week class is going to teach you everything you need to know to get going — and stay on the diet.   From the basics — learning how to make coconut milk and soaked almond flour — to making fermented foods and bone broth, to breakfasts, lunches and dinners.  And I’m even throwing in a dessert class so you can make GAPS-legal grain-free cookies and dairy-free ice cream.  Because we all need something sweet every once in a while.

What You Get

You’ll get lifetime access to 12 weeks of classes including:

  • 50 video tutorials
  • Over 200 recipes!
  • A member’s only online forum to get support and get your questions answered

Click here to see the full class schedule.

Sign Up Now

The first class starts Wednesday April 6th.  Enrollment ends March 31st.

Sign up and get lifetime access to 12 classes, plus access to the online forum.

Yes, I said lifetime access!  Once you are enrolled, you can go back again and again to the video lessons and recipes and learn at your own pace.  And the forum will be there for you as long as you need it.

It takes time to heal from food allergies, and I want to provide you with the tools and resources you need to help you get to the finish line.

Special Coupon Code:  Save $50!

I am offering my readers an extra special discount of $50 off. There will be other coupon codes in the next few weeks, but this is the best discount you’re going to find. The early bird gets the worm — only $99 for 12 weeks of classes!

Email me today at and I will send you a special discount coupon code for $50 off.

This is only valid for my newsletter subscribers, so if you are not currently subscribed, make sure you do so right away so you will be eligible for the discount.

Hurry! This coupon code expires Wednesday March 23rd at midnight 12 midnight PST.

Just enter your email address below to sign up for my monthly newsletter, then email me and ask me for the $50 off coupon code — and then sign up!

Got Questions?

Please ask in the comments below.

Disclaimer: This class, website, and related materials do not constitute the practice of any medical or other professional health care advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should consult with your personal physician or other healthcare professional if you have any healthcare related questions or before embarking on a new diet or fitness program. There is no guarantee as to what you may experience or achieve by participating in this class.  Click here to read the full legal disclaimer.