My Plans for the Summer
Wow, it’s been a long six months. Since last October, I’ve been insanely busy launching our new blog network, Real Food Media on top of taking care of my toddler, Kate. While I don’t regret a minute of it, six months is a long time to do consecutive 12-16 hour days.

Wow, it’s been a long six months. Since last October, I’ve been insanely busy launching our new blog network, Real Food Media on top of taking care of my toddler, Kate. While I don’t regret a minute of it, six months is a long time to do consecutive 12-16 hour days.
I decided over the Memorial Day weekend that I need to reprioritize and be much more judicious about how I am spending my time. Partly for my health (yes, I am still recovering from adrenal fatigue) and partly for my sanity.
I don’t want to walk away from the momentum we are building with Real Food Media. I intend to continue to grow our network and bring on new sponsors, and serve the sponsors we currently have.
At the same time, I want to spend more time with my family. Kate has been in daycare 5 days a week and while that’s been working fine, I’m looking forward to more time with her. I want to take her to the beach and the pool and all those summery kinds of things. So starting in June, she’ll be in daycare only 3 days a week and I’ll have those extra 2 days with her.
Unfortunately, there are not enough hours in the day to do all of the above. Something’s got to give.
As much as I love blogging, I am going to have to stop blogging as much for a little while. I usually try to get 5 posts in per week. I’m going to have to cut that down to 2-3 times a week.
I am also planning to spend more time (with Kate) in the kitchen, developing new recipes. I’m planning a cookbook down the road. So you an expect lots of new recipes on the blog — just maybe not posted quite as frequently.
Right now I have lots of new recipes in the works: homemade tamales, lacto-fermented salsa, peach cobbler, kefir soda pop, sourdough pizza dough, easy pasta with meat sauce, gazpacho, homemade mayonnaise, and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
If you’re on Twitter, please follow me. I will follow you back!
Thanks everyone, for your continued support of this blog and for your understanding and patience.
Photo credit: kalandrakas on Flickr
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