Front Yard Vegetable Garden Makeover: Part Two
We are getting closer to a front yard vegetable garden! Last weekend I laid out the raised beds.

We are getting closer to a front yard vegetable garden!
Last weekend I laid out the raised beds.

Instead of trying to build them myself (I’m not a handy person and I don’t have a ton of time, since I work a lot,) I went to my local hardware store and guess what? I found some ready-made raised bed kits.

They were only $30 each. You can find a [easyazon-link asin=”B009IAOH0C” locale=”us”]raised bed kit on Amazon[/easyazon-link] — only $30 with free shipping!

No nails, no screws. They have these cut outs so all you have to do is hook them together — like Lincoln Logs.

It took me a while to figure out where to lay them down. It’s a bit of a commitment. Once they’re in place, I’m not going to be able to move them again anytime soon.
I plan to have someone build a fence right along the sidewalk. Something modern and simple. And tall. So we have lots of privacy. And we can sit outside with a cup of tea, and not have to watch the homeless people picking through the recycling bins. (It’s L.A.)

That’s my daughter, checking it out.

We have a pipe running down the middle, which we could use for the sprinkler system but I have a better idea. Something I’m super excited about!

I’ll tell you about it in the next post (check back next week).
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