Homemade Creamsicles

Creamsicles are not very healthy, but these homemade creamsicles are! Because we’re using grass-fed cream and pastured egg yolks, these creamsicles are rich in vitamin K2, the fat soluble activator that prevents cavities and helps build strong bones.

Homemade Creamsicles

Creamsicles are not very healthy, but these homemade creamsicles are! Because we’re using grass-fed cream and pastured egg yolks, these creamsicles are rich in vitamin K2, the fat soluble activator that prevents cavities and helps build strong bones. And they’re sweetened with honey instead of sugar (or high fructose corn syrup).

Recipe Notes

This recipe is modified from the Homemade Creamsicle recipe by Jennifer McGruther at the Nourished Kitchen.

The creamsicles need to freeze for 12 hours. so be sure to manage the little ones’ expectations.

If you do not have popsicle molds, try using Dixie cups and wooden popsicle sticks. Pour the mixture into the cups, place in the freezer on a baking tray, and after four to six hours, place popsicle sticks into the center of each cup and continue to freeze for at least an additional six hours.

Homemade Creamsicles


Oranges, fresh, organic if possible (8)
Honey (up to 1/3 cup)
Sea salt, a pinch
Eggs, pastured or free range organic (4)
Cream, grass-fed, raw if possible (2 cups)
Whole milk, grass-fed, raw (2 cups)
Vanilla extract, organic (1 tsp)


Microplane grater or fine cheese grater
Fork or lemon reamer
Popsicle molds


1. Zest 2 of the oranges using a microplane or fine cheese grater. Add the zest to a medium saucepan.
2. Using a fork or lemon reamer, remove the juice from 6 to 8 oranges, or enough to yield 2 cups of juice. Add the juice to the saucepan.
3. Add the honey and sea salt and heat it over medium heat until reduced by half.
4. Remove from the heat and allow to cool to room temperature (pour into another bowl to cool it faster — if you’re really in a hurry, put the bowl in the fridge).
5. Crack the eggs, separating the yolks from whites. Discard the whites, or refrigerate or freeze for another use.
6. Whisk together the 4 yolks, the cream, milk and vanilla extract. Continue whisking until all of the ingredients are very well combined.
7. Whisk the orange juice mixture together with the egg yolk mixture. Note: If your orange juice mixture is not yet room temperature, you can temper the liquids: slowly dribble the hot liquid into the bowl of the egg yolk mixture while whisking. Do this slowly and keep whisking the whole time — otherwise you’ll cook the eggs.
8. Pour the creamsicle mixture into the popsicle molds and freeze until solid, at least twelve hours.