Pool Water Zoom Call Replay July 8, 2020: CDS... What is it?!

In today's episode, Annie & Ann Marie discuss what is the pool water and go through in greater detail what is required for the Parasite Protocol.

Pool Water Zoom Call Replay July 8, 2020: CDS... What is it?!

In today's episode, Annie & Ann Marie discuss what is the pool water and go through in greater detail what is required for the Parasite Protocol.

Annie's Blog, Pool Water Recipe
Ann Marie's Blog
Official Chlorine Dioxide Testimonial Group Telegram
Dr. Robert Young: Parasites in Vaxxines
Quantum Leap Documentary
Where to Buy in Australia
Andreas Kalcker: "Overdose is Impossible"
PubMed Study: Adipose Tissue: A Safe Haven for Parasites?
Pool Water Telegram Support Group
Pool Water Telegram Testimony Group