Fermented Cod Liver Oil Scandal: More Adverse Reactions
Just a quick video with an update on the fermented cod liver oil scandal. More adverse health reactions are being reported every day.

Just a quick video with an update on the fermented cod liver oil scandal. More adverse health reactions are being reported every day.

Note: This is one of the videos that got taken down when YouTube removed my channel – I will be updating this eventually. Thanks for your patience.
Just today I spoke to two friends. One said her husband was taking the FCLO and was diagnosed with cancer. The other, a very prominent figure in the WAPF community, reported FIVE people she knew of who were taking FCLO who all almost died from heart attack, cancer, and pulmonary embolism.
I also posted a slew of adverse health reactions here on my blog: Fermented Cod Liver Oil Scandal: Many FCLO Customers Report Health Problems
We don’t know that the FCLO is causing these health problems. But isn’t it strange that in this community of people who eat a very clean, organic, Weston Price diet, so many are getting sick? What is causing this? Is it just a coincidence? Or is it possible that Dr. Kaayla Daniel’s report was on to something?
It’s possible that there is nothing wrong with the FCLO… but what if there is? What if people are getting sick from it? Isn’t this something we need to look into?
Let me put it this way… many of us drink raw milk in this community. If there was a raw milk farmer who was not being transparent with his or her practices… and what if if people were reporting adverse health reactions when drinking this farmer’s milk, wouldn’t we all be up in arms? Wouldn’t we all want the farmer to do the right thing and protect people from an unsafe food product?
Gosh, guys, this is common sense to me. I don’t understand why we are protecting Green Pasture the way we are. If people are reporting possible illnesses, this is SERIOUS and action needs to be taken.
Fermented Cod Liver Oil Scandal: How You Can Help
Many, many people are staying silent, sitting on the sidelines. And I understand why. It’s not easy to stick your neck out and risk being attacked and ridiculed. It’s “political”. I get it. Believe me, I know how hard it is.
That said, I know there are a LOT of people who are very concerned, because these posts are being shared by hundreds of people. If you weren’t concerned, you would not be sharing.
Right now there is a small group of us who are being very vocal, standing up and asking questions. And the rest are quietly watching.
And for those of us who are being vocal, it’s HARD. I’m exhausted and actually starting to get sick. Hey, I’m not complaining — and I WILL keep going. But it’s not right for a small number of us to be shouldering the burden. We need our tribe members to stand up and speak out.
We desperately need to hear YOUR voices. Whether you believe you have had an adverse health reaction to FCLO, or you know someone who has, or you are just worried and concerned like me… Please. Don’t stay silent. Speak out.
You might just be saving someone’s life. It could be a baby or a young child. Or somebody’s mommy or daddy or husband or wife.
Here are some things you can do to stand up and make a difference.
1. Report Your Adverse Health Reaction to the FDA
If you believe you have had an adverse reaction to fermented cod liver oil, you can report it to the FDA.
Especially those of you who were hospitalized and/or have lab tests.
If the FDA gets enough of these adverse reactions, they will take action and investigate. If the product is not safe, they will take action to protect consumers.
Look, guys, I know we don’t want to have to report someone to the FDA. Not one but THREE companies have stopped selling this product due to customer complaints and possible adverse health reactions.
If people are getting sick and the manufacturer is NOT listening to the complaints, something MUST be done.
2. Post Your Story on Yelp
If you don’t want to report your adverse the FDA, why not set up a Yelp page for Green Pasture Products and let people leave comments there? Anyone can do it. It’s easy to set up a page for a business, and then people can leave their reports there. The business owner cannot delete the feedback.
If someone wants to initiate this, please comment below.
3. Post Your Review on Amazon
Green Pasture customers can also leave reports of adverse health reactions on Amazon. Again, these reviews will not be deleted. Just search for Green Pasture Products on Amazon and share your stories.
4. Share Your Stories with Me
Share your stories on my blog post in the comments or email me at annmarie @ village green network dot com. If you want to remain anonymous, I will not use your name.
5. Share These Posts and Videos
Please share on Facebook and via email. Tell your friends and family. Help us spread the word to people who may not know about this.
6. Got Other Ideas? Share in the Comments
What other ideas do you have? Please share your ideas in the comments.
Thank You
Thanks, everyone!
I’m gonna keep hanging in there and you can expect the next video in the next day or two.
Thanks to everyone who is texting and emailing and “liking” on Facebook. Your support means so very much to me and to the other amigos.
Hugs to everyone out there in our global tribe.
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