Fitbit Weight Loss: How I Lost 10 Pounds in One Month
Fitbit weight loss: it really works! In this post, I’ll share with you how I lost 10 pounds in a month with my Fitbit. It’s easy, it’s fun, and the weight loss is pretty much effortless.

Fitbit weight loss: it really works! In this post, I’ll share with you how I lost 10 pounds in a month with my Fitbit. It’s easy, it’s fun, and the weight loss is pretty much effortless.

Fitbit Weight Loss: How I Lost 10 Pounds in One Month
One day in April, I woke up one morning and said to myself, I am ready to lose this extra 30 pounds. You know, you can SAY you want to do something, and waffle around… but you’ll never actually do it until you are REALLY ready. Finally, I was ready.
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” — W.H. Murray
So right there and then I committed to lose the weight. It wasn’t so much about losing the weight as it was about getting active and getting in shape. I wanted to be able to climb flights of stairs easily, lift heavy things and just get a lot more physical activity.
You see, I have the most sedentary job on the planet. I work on a computer 10-12 hours a day and I work from home. I don’t even have to walk from the parking lot to my office.
Thank goodness for the Fitbit — weight loss made easy!
Fitbit Weight Loss:The Gamification of Exercise
Seems like most people have turned exercise into work these days. And it should be play! When we were kids, riding bikes and swimming and going on walks were all things we did for fun.
I have figured this out about myself: I am the type of person who doesn’t like to do anything unless it is fun. If it seems like work, it’s drudgery in my mind and I’ll do anything to avoid it. I’m the queen of procrastination! (Isn’t that funny, seeing how I am also a classic Type A Overachiever/Workaholic. I guess I’ve figured out how to make work fun! In my mind, it doesn’t feel like work.)
If I can make a game out of it, I’ll do it happily. With the Fitbit, I can easily keep tabs on how much exercise I’m getting (or not getting). It motivates me to get more steps and be more active.
This is why I love the Fitbit so much. Fitbit weight loss is fun! The Fitbit turns getting in shape into an enjoyable game.
Fitbit Weight Loss: How I Lost 10 Pounds in a Month with My Fitbit
Here’s how I lost the weight…
1. First of all, I got a [easyazon_link identifier=”B00N2BW2PK” locale=”US” tag=”cheeseslave0e-20″]Fitbit[/easyazon_link].
2. Next, I set my goal to walk 10,000 steps every day.
This is very hard for me to accomplish, since I am extremely sedentary. As I said, I typically work 80-100 hours per week sitting in front of a computer. Since I got the Fitbit, I know what my goal is so I get out and walk first thing in the morning. Because I’m watching those steps, I end up walking a lot longer — typically about an hour — so I can get my steps in.
I don’t make my goal every day. I’m not strict about it. I just do the best I can.

3. I also do other exercises. I ride my bike, and sometimes I swim laps. My goal is to do 10 minutes of kettlebell every day. I don’t always make it but I do it as often as I can.
I tried to do 20 or 30 minutes of kettlebell but I didn’t like it. I get antsy after 15 minutes. I can do 10 minutes of anything, though. And 10 minutes of kettlebell per day equals 70 minutes per week — a little better than doing 3 20-minute sets per week. It works for me.
4. I also started eating less. On the dashboard on the Fitbit website, you can select a level of calorie deficit that you want — from easy to hard. Then all you have to do is enter what you eat each day.
All I’m doing is trying to create a calorie deficit. My problem was I was eating a lot more and I had become a whole lot more sedentary since I started working from home. Looking back on it, when I had a corporate job, I was probably getting 3 or 4 times more exercise just from going to the office, going to meetings, etc. And I wasn’t cooking for a family (I was single) so I just didn’t eat as much.
I also got the Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale so I can automatically track my weight.
All you have to do is stand on the scale in the morning and it will track your weight and body fat — it syncs automatically with your Fitbit dashboard on the website. (You don’t need to use the Aria scale — you can just enter your weight manually. It just makes it easier.)
I know, weight’s not everything — measurements are more important. But you can track those too in your Fitbit dashboard.
I want to say that I don’t try to be perfect with this. I do find that I’m eating a lot less — and I’m not hungry.
Fitbit Weight Loss: What I Eat
I eat WHATEVER I want. I do not count calories or carbs. That NEVER works for me because I feel restricted and then I want to binge. And it’s not sustainable anyway. I don’t want to spend my life counting calories or avoiding foods I love. I eat what I love now, I just eat less of it.
All I do is enter what I eat into the Fitbit dashboard but that is it. Then I just stay under the limit. At the end of the day, I know whether I can have a little ice cream or another glass of wine.
And this really motivates me to be more active. Again, it’s not about the weight loss, it’s about getting more active and getting in shape. For me, it helps to motivate me if I have a goal (10K steps a day) and I have a way to track it. Rewards help, too. You don’t have to cut out the desserts. If you are too strict with yourself, you’ll end up quitting. A chocolate chip cookie here and there is going to keep you in the game. This is not about being perfect — it’s about keeping your eyes on the prize long term.
Speaking of rewards, when I reach my goal and am back in my pre-baby jeans, I’m going to go on a shopping spree and buy all new clothes.
Fitbit Weight Loss: My Results
Since I started using my Fitbit on April 9th (just 6 weeks ago), I have lost an inch on my bust, an inch on my waist, 3/4 of an inch on my hips, 1/2 inch on my arm, and 3/4 of an inch on my thigh. That’s a total of 4 inches.
I’ve officially lost 13 pounds since I started this on April 9th. That’s a steady 2 pounds per week. (I actually lost the first 10 pounds the first month.)
I’ve also lost 5.3% body fat. Hooray!
And I’m almost halfway toward my goal.
168 pounds
155 pounds
Bust 39
Waist 32
Hips 42.75
Upper Arm 12.5
Upper Thigh 23.25
Bust 38
Waist 31
Hips 42
Upper Arm 12
Upper Thigh 22.5
My New Treadmill Desk
As I write this, I’m walking on my new LifeSpan treadmill desk. Along with the Fitbit, this is playing a HUGE role in my effort to get more active.
I got up this morning, made some coffee, got on the treadmill desk and started checking emails and checking things off my to do list. The next thing I know, it’s barely past 9 am and I’ve already logged over 6,000 steps. It takes me about 2.5 hours to get 10,000 steps walking at a slow pace — about 1.2 to 1.5 MPH.
Two and a half hours may seem like a long time to you, but it flies by when you are working. You’re going to be working anyway, why not work out at the same time?
I wrote a review of the LifeSpan Treadmill Desk here.
I’ll also continue to post my progress on the blog.
Writing this post actually keeps me accountable so thanks everyone for reading!
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