The Sad State of the Health Blogosphere: RIP Dr. Ron Schmid and Rami Nagel Two of my friends died last month. These were both guys who ate all organic food… we’re talking supremely healthy, nutrient-dense diets.
New Direction for Cheeseslave: Hell Yeah or Hell No I went through a lot this past couple years. It was definitely the hardest time in my life. (You can read about it here.) Things got so bad for me, I almost stopped blogging. But many people reached out to me and told me they loved Cheeseslave and wanted it to continue. And deep down, so did I.
I’m Back! It’s been a long time since I blogged. Tonight, while I was cuddling and breastfeeding my new Baby Oliver (4 months old this week) before he went to bed, I got all teary-eyed thinking about babies and how much we love them. And why I started blogging.
My Big News: I’m Pregnant and Moving to Greener Pastures Some of you have been asking after me on Facebook. I haven’t gone away — just been hibernating and getting ready for some big transitions.
Looking for European Real Food Blogs The blog network I founded, Real Food Media, is growing strong. Since June, we’ve expanded from 23 blogs to over 80 blogs, thanks to our hard-working team here in LA.
Sometimes It’s Hard To Be a Blogger We got home from vacation last Thursday night. I had a whole bunch of posts scheduled for the three weeks of May that I would be gone.