How To Lose a Pound a Day with One Simple Weight Loss Trick
Want to lose weight and get in shape? This one weight loss trick is my secret weapon. This trick helped me lose a pound a day.

Are you ready to lose weight and get in shape for the new year? This one weight loss trick is my secret weapon. This trick helped me lose a pound a day.

How To Lose a Pound a Day with One Simple Weight Loss Trick
In 2013, I lost 40 pounds in 6 months by just walking and watching what I ate. In 2014, I got pregnant and gained all the weight back again. Darn those babies! At the end of 2015, when Baby Ollie was about a year old, I put on my Fitbit and lost 30 pounds in 4 months.
But this time, I learned a special trick that helped me lose the weight even more effortlessly. In this post, I’ll share with you how you can use this trick to lose weight faster by burning more carbs with almost no extra effort.
My Weight Loss Trick: The Secret Weapon That Helps Me Lose a Pound a Day
Are you ready for it? Here’s my secret weight loss trick: a weighted vest .
Here’s the story of how I discovered this works… A year ago, when I was doing my 10,000 steps per day, using my Fitbit in 2015, I was carrying my new baby. He was a year old, and weighed around 25 pounds. I knew babywearing was good for babies, but I had no idea how much it would help me lose weight!
Here’s a picture of me wearing Oliver, back in my pre-baby skinny jeans:

I was tracking my calories burned in my Fitbit dashboard, limiting what I ate to stay at a calorie deficit, and I was stunned to see that when I carried Baby Oliver, I could burn a lot more calories. Like a LOT more.
I would do my 10,000 steps each day while babywearing, and stick to my calorie deficit. The next day I wake up, step on the scale, and realize that I had lost anywhere from half a pound to a whole pound!

After Oliver got bigger and no longer wanted to be carried (he wanted to walk on his own!), I really missed the weight loss from carrying him. So I went online and bought a weighted vest.

Here’s what I wrote on Instagram about a year ago: “Trader Joe’s was a madhouse today. When I asked the checker if it was normally this busy at 4 pm, he said, “It’s not the time of day. It’s the month. We are crazy busy pretty much the whole month of January.” When I asked why, he said, “New Year’s resolutions. People overhaul their diets and they have to buy all new food.” And then it goes back to normal in February,” I said. He nodded, “Pretty much.” Meanwhile I had a cart full of butter and cream and wine. Made Ravioli with Alfredo sauce for dinner. And yes, I gained 7 pounds over the holidays eating fudge and cookies and drinking eggnog. But I know I will lose it fast with my secret weight loss weapon: baby wearing! I lose weight without even trying when I carry this 25-pound little man. I spoke to our new postal carrier today and she told me she lost — get ready for this — 20 pounds since November (when she started her job). Yes, she lost weight over the holidays, and no, she didn’t change anything in her diet. It was just all the activity. I lost all the baby weight last year — 30 pounds in 4 months — with my Fitbit and baby wearing. Wanna lose weight in 2016? It’s easy! Just get active. The Fitbit helps a lot — I can’t live without mine — because it helps you track your progress every day. And if you don’t have a baby to wear, you can buy weight vests on Amazon. I’ll be buying one when he’s too big to carry. So I can eat more pasta and drink more wine.”
I now wear my weighted vest whenever possible when I’m out doing my steps. I love it, not because I need to lose a pound a day, but because it allows me to eat more. And I do love to eat!

The Weighted Vest I Recommend
I bought this weighted vest on Amazon.

The one I bought is made for women. Most of the weighted vests for sale are made for men and they are not easy to wear if you have a bust (most of them are uncomfortable because the weights smash your boobs).

I also recommend you get a weighted vest with at least 20 pounds. Mine is 30 pounds. It is adjustable so you can add or remove weight in 5-pound increments as necessary.
Not all weighted vests are the same and you will need to spend a little more to get the right one. My assistant bought a much cheaper one on Amazon for around $30 — unfortunately, it hurts her back and shoulders. She loves wearing the one I got!
So yeah, you have to spend a lot of money for the one I have, which is a 30-pound weighted vest, but it’s worth it.
How to Use a Weighted Vest
Start slow! I started with 20 pounds (but I was already used to babywearing a 25-pound baby. You may want to start with less weight, like 5 or 10 pounds, and work your way up.
You should also talk to your doctor before you start any physical exercise routine.
You Can Also Just Wear Your Baby!
If you have a baby, you can skip the weighted vest and just get a good baby carrier!

I had two baby carriers that I liked a lot: the Moby wrap and the Baby Bjorn for when Oliver was tiny, and when he was bigger, I really loved the Tula baby carrier.

Disclaimer: Your Results May Vary
I have to make the disclaimer here that you may not be able to lose a pound a day.
That said, my assistant wears her weighted vest and she says she gets similar results. She LOVES wearing the weighted vest when she’s running around doing tasks.
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